Can Clear Braces Effectively Treat Crooked Teeth?

Not everyone is born with a perfect smile, and for those that weren’t, orthodontic technology has advanced by leaps and bounds. In the past, generations of teenagers and adults had to wear conspicuous, bulky metal braces for two or more years without any alternatives. But now, “clear braces” systems like Invisalign and ClearCorrect are available to straighten teeth and create healthier, more attractive smiles.

As you weigh your orthodontic treatment options, you may wonder whether clear braces can effectively treat crooked teeth. Sure, they are clear and comfortable, but do they actually work?

Great for Mild to Moderate Tooth Misalignment

According to many reputable dentists, including Dr. Jennifer Santoro, clear braces are great for treating cases of mild to moderate tooth misalignment. They can help individuals bothered by crowded or gapped teeth, overbites, underbites and crossbites.

Invisalign and ClearCorrect are not recommended for every patient — for example, they are generally not suitable for cases involving severely crooked teeth, large gaps and alignment problems (traditional metal braces are probably more appropriate).

If you do qualify for treatment with clear braces, you will find they are easy to wear, easy to use and that you can see results very fast.

Benefits of Clear Braces

There are numerous benefits to using a clear braces system to straighten teeth:

  • The clear aligners are easily and instantly removable for eating, drinking, tooth brushing and flossing.
  • They don’t limit the foods you eat because you take them out for meals and snacks.
  • They don’t interfere with brushing or flossing, so your oral hygiene doesn’t have to suffer.
  • The aligners are made from soft plastic materials and do not have any sharp or protruding edges. They won’t irritate the insides of the cheeks like metal brackets and wires can.
  • The aligners are discreet and allow you to speak normally. No one in your office, school or social circle needs to know you are straightening your teeth.
  • Clear braces systems work quickly; you can see results in about a year, depending on your specific case.

Contact Dr. Santoro

If you are interested in straightening your teeth with a clear braces system like Invisalign or ClearCorrect, Dr. Santoro invites you to schedule an informational consultation at our practice. During the appointment, she can evaluate your teeth and recommend whether clear braces or traditional orthodontics are more likely to give you the results you want. Please call or email us today to request an appointment.