Dental Care Poway

Families looking for warm, friendly dental care rely on Dr. Jennifer Santoro and her team of knowledgeable staff members at Village Center Dentistry. Dr. Santoro has spent her entire career learning about many different types of dental services and technologies, from general to restorative cosmetic, so she can deliver custom solutions to her patients’ dental needs. She enjoys getting to know her patients on a personal basis, so she can better serve them. Dr. Santoro and her team are particularly skilled in working with anxious or nervous patients and showing them that dental care does not have to be stressful or scary.

Dental Implants

Dental Implants in PowayDr. Santoro often recommends replacing missing or extracted teeth with top-quality dental implants. An implant mimics the entire structure of a healthy tooth, from root to crown. It completely restores the look, feel and function of a natural tooth. Implants are versatile and can be used to replace a single tooth, multiple teeth or a full arch of teeth. A single dental implant can support a lifelike dental crown, or several implants can secure a dental bridge or denture appliance.

Although the process of getting a dental implant requires a few different steps, Dr. Santoro works closely with patients to make the experience as smooth as possible. With regular care and maintenance, dental implants can last a lifetime.

Same-Day Dental Crowns

Same Day Crowns in PowayA dental crown restores a broken, cracked or decayed tooth to optimal form and function. The tooth-shaped restoration completely covers the affected tooth, holding the broken pieces together and strengthening the tooth, so it can bite and chew normally.

Traditionally, the process of getting a dental crown required several different appointments, which some patients found inconvenient. Thanks to Dr. Santoro’s investment in the revolutionary CEREC system, she is able to plan, design and place beautiful, strong dental crowns in a single visit. This advanced system completely streamlines the crown design and fabrication process, saving patients valuable time.

Invisalign and ClearCorrect

Invisalign & ClearCorrect in PowayDr. Santoro’s patients who are embarrassed by crooked, crowded or gapped teeth see great results with Invisalign and ClearCorrect. These “clear braces” systems use plastic aligners to gently shift teeth into the optimal position and alignment. The aligners are customized to the unique contours of the patient’s mouth and easily removable for eating, drinking, brushing and flossing. They are very effective without disrupting a patient’s normal lifestyle.

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain Veneers in PowayPorcelain veneers are a popular tool in Dr. Santoro’s cosmetic toolkit. These paper-thin, tooth-colored shells are bonded to the front surface of the teeth to hide small chips, cracks, stains or uneven edges. A single dental veneer can improve the appearance of one abnormal tooth, or a set of veneers can transform the appearance of all of the front teeth that show when smiling. Dr. Santoro customizes veneers to the exact specifications of the individual patient.


TMD/TMJ Treatment

TMD Treatment in PowayThe temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is small but crucial to everyday function; it makes it possible to open the mouth, bite, speak and swallow. If the joint suffers a traumatic injury or develops arthritis, it can no longer function normally, and chronic pain and other symptoms can occur.

Dr. Santoro offers long-term solutions to TMJ disorder (TMD), including the following options:

  • Custom-fitted mouth guards to protect the teeth from nighttime grinding or clenching (which can exacerbate TMJ problems)
  • Relaxation techniques to control tension in the jaw
  • Prescription muscle relaxants
  • Orthodontic treatment to address malocclusion that contributes to TMD

General Dentistry

General Dentistry in PowayGeneral dentistry describes treatments and services to keep the teeth and gums clean and disease-free. Everyone needs general dentistry services – particularly twice-a-year dental exams and professional cleanings. Other treatments, such as fluoride treatments and the placement of sealants, can help prevent oral health problems. Dr. Santoro and her team greatly enjoy providing general dentistry services and helping patients maintain healthy smiles for life.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening in PowayProfessional teeth whitening transforms dull or discolored teeth and creates a brighter smile. Dr. Santoro’s office uses the Zoom! system, which can lighten teeth up to eight shades in two hours or less. A powerful bleaching agent is applied to the teeth and activated with a special light. The process is virtually painless and can be performed annually or as needed to “touch up” results.

Smile Design

Smile Design in PowaySmile design or smile makeover describes the process of completely rejuvenating an imperfect or lackluster smile. Every smile design is customized to the individual needs of the patient. A smile design could include treatments to improve any of the following problems:

  • Slightly chipped or cracked teeth
  • Stained or discolored teeth
  • Small spaces between the teeth
  • Other minor orthodontic issues
  • Abnormally short or small teeth
  • Prominent gum tissue

Contact Dr. Jennifer Santoro Today

If you would like to discuss your unique cosmetic, restorative or general dentistry needs with Dr. Santoro, we invite you to schedule a consultation at Village Center Dentistry. Call or email us today and request an appointment.