How Long Do Porcelain Veneers Last?

Porcelain Veneers Lasting San Diego CA

If you are self-conscious of superficial flaws affecting your teeth — such as small chips, cracks or stains — or you wish your teeth were uniformly sized or shaped, porcelain veneers might be a great solution for your needs. These tiny pieces of porcelain bond to the front of your teeth to conceal imperfections and create a more beautiful smile.

Before you take the first step toward getting veneers, you probably want to know how long they will last. According to Dr. Jennifer Santoro of Village Center Dentistry, today’s veneers normally last approximately 10 to 15 years, depending on certain factors. Your oral health, habits and behaviors will affect how long you can enjoy your beautiful veneers.

Ensure Your Veneers Last as Long as Possible

To prolong the life of your porcelain veneers, Dr. Santoro suggests the following measures:

Maintain good oral hygiene habits. Although the veneer itself cannot develop a cavity, the underlying tooth structure can. If it does decay, it will compromise the veneer. Also, if your gums develop gum disease, they can recede, which will have a negative effect on the appearance of your veneers.

For these reasons, it is critical that you practice good oral hygiene habits. Luckily, veneers do not require any special care or maintenance; you can brush and floss your veneered teeth just like your normal teeth. Make sure to see your dentist at least twice a year for professional cleanings and exams.

Address tooth grinding. Grinding or clenching your teeth puts a good amount of pressure on your veneers and can be detrimental over time. If you grind or clench your teeth, get fitted for a special nightguard to protect your teeth from excessive force.

Avoid other sources of excessive force. Speaking of excessive force, avoid chewing on ice or pen caps, biting your nails or using your teeth to open items. Porcelain is strong but it is not indestructible.

Limit your consumption of coffee, tea, soda and wine. Porcelain is resistant to stains, but your other teeth aren’t. If you consume too much coffee, tea, soda or wine, your remaining teeth could stain or discolor and no longer match your veneers.

Learn More about Porcelain Veneers

For more information about porcelain veneers, including the process for fitting and placing them, Dr. Santoro invites you to schedule a consultation at Village Center Dentistry. Please contact us today to book your appointment!